Recreation Program
The Madison Basketball Association (MBA) was formed to provide boys and girls the opportunity to enjoy the game of basketball in an organized setting. We offer a variety of programs for players in grades 1 through 8. The focus of our program is on the delivery of quality instruction in an atmosphere that promotes sportsmanship and fair play, while encouraging a healthy appreciation and respect for the game.
1st through 3rd grade players participate in our instructional recreation program. Weekly clinics include an introduction to basic basketball skills and age-appropriate game situations. Players are exposed to structured drills that emphasize the fundamentals of shooting, ball handling, passing, rebounding, and defense. As game play is introduced, the players learn about offensive/defensive transitions, teamwork, inbounding the ball, and proper positioning. These weekly clinics also feature fun contests and competitions.
An instructional recreation program is also offered for players in grades 4/5 and in grades 6/7/8. Players at these levels practice basic and advanced fundamental skills, are exposed to an array of full court drills, and enjoy competitive games. These programs are subject to change dependent on the number of registrants.
The program is available for residents who are eligible for Madison public school.